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335 files in total in this section.

  Bytes To Numbers or by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Bytes To Numbers or Alpha & Numbers or Alpha To Bytes.exe, version 2, is a much improved rendition of my original Windows executable program. There is much better user feedback, better error correction, and a proper working interface that eliminates subtle problems in use with concatenated files. Included in the zip file is the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF file that explains the program in complete detail and has multiple screen shots that serve as a complete documentation of its uses. Also included is an encrypted concatenated number file, Numbers.txt, that was encrypted as shown in the screen shots. It can be decrypted by following along with the screen shots in the PDF.
Source included - QB64 - 1.29 MB - 815 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Caesar File by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Caesar File Shifter is a Windows executable that is similar in algorithmic design to my other program, Caesar Text Shifter. The difference is that the allowable alphabet is the complete ASCII set, CHR$(0) through CHR$(255), and the program is designed to shift and/or unshift any existing file into a new file. Also, the Windows Clipboard is not used. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and two screen shots that show the program interface.
Source included - QB64 - 529.43 KB - 775 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (2 votes)

  Caesar Text by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Caesar Text Shifter.exe uses the power of digital technology for advanced security. Simple to implement yet offering powerful results, it is more akin to the Enigma Machine without its flaws. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a pdf explaining its use with screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 634.56 KB - 767 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  CALCULATOR 2.0 BY NAMAN SAIKIA.txt by Naman Saikia the qbasic programmer (Rate this file/View comments)
Guys, download this awesome file with simple programs to create calculator 2.0 by Naman Saikia the QBASIC programmer. This version 2 of calculator 1. Download now guys. Awesome calculator
No source - QB64 - 1.97 KB - 426 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  CALCULATOR 3.0.odt by Naman Saikia the QBASIC programmer (Rate this file/View comments)
It's the program for calculator 3.0 but in text. Please Please Please rate
Source included - QB64 - 2.63 KB - 430 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  CALCULATOR 3.0.txt by Naman Saikia the QBASIC programmer (Rate this file/View comments)
Guys,welcome again and today here it is itself Calculator 3.0 by Naman Saikia
Source included - QB64 - 787 B - 441 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  CALCULATOR 4.0 BY NAMAN SAIKIA.txt by By Naman Saikia the QBASIC programmer (Rate this file/View comments)
Hey guys, this time I am back with a calculator of limitations 5 numbers. Download it now. This program is completely made by me in the compiler QB64. Rate if impressed. Simple program. #calculator4.0 #namansaikia
No source - QB64 - 1.35 KB - 506 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)

  Calculator.exe by Ashish (Rate this file/View comments)
A very good windows calcultor. Copy the result automatically while performing the arthmetic operations. Supported both mouse and keyboard. Uses _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64 for calculating.
Source included - QB64 - 702.89 KB - 1182 downloads
Rating: 9.23077/10 (13 votes)

  Chaotic ASCII by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
A scrreensaver that constantly sprinkles the complete ASCII set of characters in random colors on a full screen. A case sensitive keyboard "hotkey" is used to start and exit the screensaver. The "hotkey" can also be a key combination using <ctrl> or <alt> with another keyboard character. Be sure to remember the "hotkey" that is chosen each time the screensaver is run!
Source included - QB64 - 365.29 KB - 738 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  CHECKING IF A NUMBER IS DIVISIBLE BY 10 ON QBASIC..docx by By Naman Saikia the qbasic programmer. (Rate this file/View comments)
This about how to check whether a number is divisible by 10 or not with the REM statement
No source - QB64 - 9.92 KB - 450 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Clock.bas by R.M. Harshavardan (Rate this file/View comments)
A very informative analog clock!
Source included - QB64 - 2.51 KB - 485 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Clock.bas by R.M. Harshavardan (Rate this file/View comments)
Nice informative analog clock!
Source included - QB64 - 2.51 KB - 469 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (3 votes)

  Collatz Conjecture by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
The Collatz Conjecture states that for ANY positive integer, [1] If EVEN - divide it by 2. [2] If ODD - multiply it by 3 and add 1. [3] If repeated over and over - each time with the new integer, the final integer will always reach 1. The attached zip file contains the Windows Executable, the source code and a PDF explaining both the Collatz Conjecture and my program in detail with screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 830.02 KB - 354 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)

  Color by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Color Clusters is a Windows executable screensaver that prompts for a "Hot Key" to Enter and Exit. Once entered, each run of the screensaver opens Screen 12 and loads a new random color palette for attributes 1 through 15. Then every pixel is colored randomly. Once that is accomplished, then colored clusters start to appear and constantly morph as long as the screensaver is running (its alive!). No two runs of the screensaver will give you the same colored clusters. If any other key except the "Hot Key" is hit, the cluster morphing pauses at that point. Any other key except the "Hot Key" resumes the cluster morphing. The attached zip file contains the source code and the Windows executable.
Source included - QB64 - 366.65 KB - 1742 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Compare Two by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Compare Two Files.exe is a Windows executable that is designed to compare two existing files, byte-by-byte, that are identical in size. If any differences exist, then the byte location is shown along with the differing bytes. If there are five differences, then the program quits scanning the two files and stops. The zip file contains the windows executable, the source code, and a PDF with four screen shots that show the program interface.
Source included - QB64 - 609.63 KB - 829 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Computer Random Music by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
A full screen version of Computer Random Music. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code and a PDF that has corrected some errors in the PDF submitted in my original Computer Random Music post.
Source included - QB64 - 892.52 KB - 823 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Computer Random by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Computer Random Music is adapted from original code by Clifford A. Pickover. Using the pseudo-random function that is generated by the computer, up to 16,384 individual musical notes can be played. The pseudo-random key can either be entered as a +- seven-digit number (decimals allowed) or by using the computer's TIMER function. The pseudo-random key is displayed so that the same sequence of notes can be generated again with another run of the program. The music tempo can be chosen from 32 to 255 beats per minute. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF with 7 screen shots that document every feature of the program.
Source included - QB64 - 892.08 KB - 844 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Concatenate Two by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
I used to concatenate (combine) any two existing files into a new file by typing the following command at the DOS prompt: COPY /B FILE1 + FILE2 /B NEWFILE /B If you mistyped any filename (which was restricted to 8 characters with no spaces) then you had to retype the entire command again. Concatenate Two Files.exe is a Windows executable that simplifies the entire process with complete error checking to just inputing the [D\:][path\]filename correctly for the three files. An existing file CANNOT be overwritten. Windows filenames, including spaces within the name, are supported. The zip file contains the Windows executable and the source code.
Source included - QB64 - 369.06 KB - 781 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  COPYIT64.ZIP by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 582.45 KB - 719 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v2.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 583.03 KB - 774 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v3.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 583.4 KB - 770 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v4.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 583.22 KB - 730 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v5.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 583.9 KB - 740 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v6.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 584.95 KB - 758 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v7.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 584.92 KB - 718 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v8.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 584.17 KB - 695 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v9.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 584.14 KB - 723 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  COPYV9R3.ZIP by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 588.22 KB - 683 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  COPYV9R4.ZIP by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 588.42 KB - 693 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  COPYV9R4.ZIP by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 588.44 KB - 678 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

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