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335 files in total in this section.

  COPYV9R5.ZIP by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 586.99 KB - 679 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  COPYV9R6.ZIP by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v9.0a r6.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 587.22 KB - 722 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  COPYV9R7.ZIP by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Copyit v9.0a r7.0a for Windows is a fast file copy utility in QB64.
Source included - QB64 - 587.8 KB - 634 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Counting By Bits - Four Bases.zi by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Counting By Bits - Four Bases.exe is a Windows executable that displays SIGNED Numbers in Base 2, 8, 10 and 16 for numbers in the range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. A Base 10 POSITIVE counting increment is entered; and next a Base 10 number is entered. Then, using the <Up/Down Arrow> Keys to increase/decrease the Base 10 number by the chosen increment, watch the screen display update all of the bases simultaneously. Base 8 and Base 16 numbers are also displayed in graphical "split" binary and bit groups which helps to illustrate the logic of these base numbers. The program is fully error trapped to ensure that no calculation is attempted outside of the allowed range of numbers. Also included is Screenshot.jpg which is a screen shot of the program in action. Note: Commas are NOT entered in any of the Base 10 numbers - the program calculates their use and then places them there automatically.
Source included - QB64 - 399.79 KB - 2492 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  CRC32 by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
A symmetrical encryption program that uses CRC32 theory in which BOTH the user AND the file to be encrypted/decrypted create a unique streaming key that is never duplicated. Therefore, the sender and the receiver(s) can agree only once, if desired, to use the same setup over and over again for multiple file transmissions. The code is fully explained in the included HTML and the actual use with screen shots is shown in the included PDF. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, the HTML and the PDF files.
Source included - QB64 - 827.5 KB - 835 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  CRC32 by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
CRC32 Crypt, Version 2, has been updated with only one change: The encrypted file name(s) are now CASE SENSITIVE instead of always being UPPER CASE. Also, the explanatory html file has been updated and reworked. The zip file contains the new Windows executable, source code, and the explanatory html file.
Source included - QB64 - 386.2 KB - 793 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
CRC32.exe and CRC Table.exe have now been ported to B64 Windows executables. CRC32.exe calculates the CRC32 "check sum" of a file which will show if a file has been changed/damaged and/or incorrectly transmitted/received. It also has the unique ability to calculate the CRC32 value of a typed-in string within the program; and even the ability to then reverse the string for a new CRC32 value. If you select the WinZip/PKZip Seed, CRC32 will compute the same CRC32 value for a file that DOS PKZip, WinZip, 7-Zip, and Windows Explorer calculates. You can also find the CRC32 value for a string as well as the CRC32 value for the same string with every byte reversed. CRC32 Table is a program that displays the complete CRC Table for a given Seed. Both programs can also be started with any custom Seed for totally different results. For those who are interested in CRC32 math and theory, a duplicate historical document published on the web in 1993, CRC Error Detection.html, is also included.
Source included - QB64 - 770.9 KB - 1891 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Utilities to Encrypt & Decrypt Files
Source included - QB64 - 14.32 KB - 740 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  CUBE QBASIC BY NAMAN SAIKIA.docx by Naman Saikia the qbasic programmer (Rate this file/View comments)
This is an awesome program of qbasic about creating a cube
Source included - QB64 - 9.94 KB - 454 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Currency converter.bas by R.M. Harshavardan (Rate this file/View comments)
Nice currency converter within 4 lines!
Source included - QB64 - 169 B - 484 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Custom Odd Order Magic by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Odd-Order Magic Squares usually start with one [1] and end with the value of the order squared [9 = 3 x 3, 25 = 5 x 5, etc.]. This Windows executable allows the user to construct a multitude of custom Odd-Order Magic Squares that begin with any starting positive or negative number [or even zero] that then counts upward from there. It also allows Odd-Order Magic Squares to be constructed by multiplying any positive or negative starting number [excluding zero]. The Odd-Orders allowed are from 3 to 63. If the starting number is one [1], then the Odd-Order Magic Square becomes traditional. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF with screen-shots and examples.
Source included - QB64 - 747.88 KB - 613 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Daily Numble - `Wordle' With by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
My previous upload, "Numble - `Wordle' With Numbers", was played individually with random solutions and a choice of digit lengths from 3 to 10 for each player. It is available here: "". "Daily Numble - `Wordle' With Numbers" is a tournament game with the SAME solution for ALL players on the calendar date played. It has 10 digits with 10 maximum attempts to solve. On some days, there are repeating digits, and on other days, there are no repeating digits. The results, win or lose, are sent to the Windows Clipboard (like Wordle) for sharing with others, but the results do not give the solution away. Also, when you lose, unlike Wordle, the winning number is NOT shown. You have to win to know the solution! It is designed to sharpen your logic skills where your goal is to shorten the number of attempts for successfully finding the solution. The attached zip file contains the Windows executable and a PDF with explanatory screenshots.
No source - QB64 - 666.46 KB - 278 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)

  Date & Time by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
This suite has two updated executables: Perpetual_Date_and_Time_II.exe and Julian_&_Gregorian_Date_Calculator_II.exe Previously they were uploaded here: Both files were updated to add the Mayan Long Count Calendar Date. The zip file contains both Windows executables, both source codes and a PDF with screen shots showing the change.
Source included - QB64 - 887.19 KB - 295 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Dungeon Maze Game
Source included - QB64 - 355.52 KB - 859 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Source included - QB64 - 705.26 KB - 834 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  document by Naman Saikia (Rate this file/View comments)
It creates a text document in the qb64 folder
Source included - QB64 - 502.45 KB - 413 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Easter Date by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Calculate any range of Easter Sunday Dates between 1583 through 4099. The zip file contains the source code, the Windows executable, and a PDF with multiple screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 645.18 KB - 772 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Enhanced Logarithmic Calculator. by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Not only can you calculate the LOG of any NUMBER in any BASE, but if you know the NUMBER and the LOG, you can calculate the BASE, and if you know the BASE and the LOG, you can calculate the NUMBER. Therefore, it is easy to calculate any root of a number. For example, the fifth root of 32 = 32 ^ 1/5: BASE is 32; LOG is 1/5 = .2 (converted to decimal). Solve for NUMBER = 2. So for ANY root of ANY number, just use that number as the BASE; calculate the reciprocal of the root as a decimal and use that as the LOG; and the answer will be the ROOT.
Source included - QB64 - 377.8 KB - 1747 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Euclids Formula For Pythagorean by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Euclid's Formula will calculate an infinite number of Pythagorean Right Triangle Integer Triples. The attached zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF that explains the formula details as well as the formula rules plus screen shots of the program.
Source included - QB64 - 669.92 KB - 567 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Extended Reciprocal One-Time Pad by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
This is a suite of three programs that attempts to recreate the paper encryption methods used prior to the widespread use of digital technology. The suite consists of an Extended Reciprocal One-Time Pad Table Generator [used for paper encryption/decryption], an Extended Reciprocal One-Time Pad Table Solver [used as a digital encryption/decryption aide], and an Extended Reciprocal One-Time Pad Practice Program [used to digitally create data entry and a one-time pad at the same time]. The zip file contains the three Windows executables with their source code, a PDF with explanatory screen shots and a PDF of the Extended Reciprocal One-Time Pad suitable for printing in landscape mode.
Source included - QB64 - 1.34 MB - 526 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Extended Reciprocal Table Auto Key by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
My Extended Reciprocal Table is a modified form of a Vigenère Polygraphic Square Table that was invented by Blaise de Vigenère and used extensively in the very early days of paper and pencil cryptology. However the way he suggested its use with an autokey approach has been ignored and instead it has been used by placing a repeating key over the plain text. This makes it much less secure and easier to crack. The autokey approach is that the plain text serves as both the key AND the encrypted results. [NOTE: A PDF of my Extended Reciprocal Table is located in the zip file here:] The attached zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code and a PDF with screen shots that fully explain how the autokey works.
Source included - QB64 - 780.56 KB - 619 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Extract Bytes From Any by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Extract any size block of data from anywhere within any file - the beginning, the end, or somewhere in the middle. The selected data is saved to a new file and the original file is left untouched. For example, if there is a file that is concatenated and surrounded with meaningless "junk" bytes; and if somehow the exact location of the "good" data bytes is known; then it could be extracted intact to a new file.
Source included - QB64 - 370.45 KB - 748 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Factors by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Factors.exe is a Windows executable that will factor any positive integer up to 15-digits. Obviously, for very long numbers, it will take a very long time to test for all of the factors - especially for numbers greater than 10-digits. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and three screenshots.
Source included - QB64 - 563.04 KB - 1238 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Fibonacci by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Fibonnaci Clock.exe and Fibonnaci Clock Screensaver.exe are both Windows executables that use the first five numbers of the Fibonnaci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5) using squares with those values along each side. This simulates counting all the way to 12. Then by keeping track of the number of 12s - plus the values less than 12 - with painted squares, one can construct a 24-hour clock. The screensaver is a full screen version that has a front-end that requires a Hot-Key to both enter and exit the program. The Hot-Key is case sensitive OR can be a key combo such as [ctrl] + [another key]. This locks the keyboard from prying eyes while you are away from your desk. See my YouTube Video here: The zip file contains both executables and source codes along with a PDF with static screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 1.04 MB - 1177 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)

  File Character Frequency by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
This Windows executable will count the occurance of all ASCII Characters and display the Characters along with the resulting count of each. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code and a PDF with screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 852.29 KB - 180 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  File by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
File Peek-A-Byte.exe is a Windows executable that will view any byte within a file in Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal. The attached zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code and a PDF which shows screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 578.5 KB - 1086 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  File Scrambler & by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Imagine if you cut out each character of a paper document (including spaces, carriage returns, and line feeds) into little squares; placed all of the little squares into a paper bag; shook the bag well; and then laid them all out randomly. Then imagine that on the back of each of the little squares there was a unique number, known only to you because it was written in invisible ink, that gave the position of that little square in the original document which would allow you to reassemble the paper document – one square at a time. That is what this program does digitally. Once you choose an EXISTING file to (ONLY) read (text or binary), you then choose to either <S>cramble or <U>nscramble that file into a NEW file the exact size of the EXISTING file. Next, you choose a pseudo-random seed, which must be remembered to once again restore a copy of the original file. The attached zip file contains the Windows executable, the Source Code and a PDF with screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 604.4 KB - 324 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  File by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Imagine if you took each byte of any file; copied each ASCII Character to a separate slip of paper; placed all of the slips into a paper bag; shook the bag well; and then laid them all out randomly. That is what this program does digitally. Once you choose a file to (ONLY) read, you then choose to either Scramble or Unscramble that file into a new file. Next, you choose a pseudo-random seed, which must be known to once again restore a copy of the original file. You actually have two choices: If you choose to <S>cramble a file, you then must <U>nscramble it for an exact copy restoration; If you choose to <U>nscramble a file, you then must <S>cramble it for an exact copy restoration. If you examine the source code, you will see that this is accomplished by using an index bit-array to keep track of which byte from the original file has already been written to the new scrambled file. Each byte in the original file is represented by one bit in the index bit-array; therefore the bit-array is only 1/8th the size of the original file. One use of this program would be to scramble a file that was already encrypted. This would add another layer of security and make it much more difficult to decrypt the file since it would first have to be unscrambled correctly before the decryption could be accomplished. In the attached zip file is the source code; a Windows compiled executable; and a file named SCRAMBLED.TXT. This file is a scrambled HTM of a well-known science fiction short story and was scrambled with the seed 12345.67 The original.htm was 94,372 bytes long and it took about 51.5 seconds to <S>cramble. First, look at this file in a text editor so that you can see just how well it is scrambled. Then using the seed as mentioned above, <U>nscramble it to any file name you choose with an .HTM or .HTML extension, and enjoy the well-known short story in your browser.
Source included - QB64 - 437.21 KB - 1902 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  FILE TEXT by Naman Saikia (Rate this file/View comments)
This awesome program is programmed by me. This too creates a txt. The previous one is a document creater. It creates a txt file in the qb64 folder
Source included - QB64 - 502.44 KB - 432 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  File To Custom by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
File To Custom Base-64.exe is a Windows standalone executable that allows a user to choose an offset into the ASCII character set from CHR$[32] through CHR$[63] for the Base-64 character set to convert any file into only “typewriter” text that can be copied to the Windows Clipboard and then pasted into Notepad as a text file. The text file produced is exactly 4/3 [1 1/3] larger that the original file. For example, if the offset chosen is at CHR$[32], then the Base-64 character set is from CHR$[32] through CHR$[95]. Another choice useful for encryption is the Random option where a user chooses a locking/unlocking number "key". With this option the Base-64 character set continually shifts during the conversion. Only that chosen number "key" can convert the Base-64 output back into text. So far, this is similar to my earlier program Text To Custom Base-64.exe. However, *the major difference* with this program is that the Base-64 text produced can be copied to the Windows Clipboard and then [instead of pasting into Notepad as a text file] pasted right back into this restarted program - using either a different offset or different Random “key” for saving to an illegible binary file. This binary file is the same size as the original file but it can only be converted back to the original file by doing everything previously done in the reverse order. The attached zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code and a PDF with several screen shots that act as a tutorial.
Source included - QB64 - 1 MB - 601 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

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