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341 files in total in this section.

  water by DarthWho (Rate this file/View comments)
Water simulation engine try it it runs well (windows systems) exe only
No source - QB64 - 2.83 MB - 3975 downloads
Rating: 9.33333/10 (3 votes)

  WHAT64.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Recursive Descent Parser
Source included - QB64 - 17.42 KB - 941 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)

  WHERE64.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
QB64 dir/file display util.
Source included - QB64 - 16.54 KB - 793 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  XOR File by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
XOR File Encryption.exe is a Windows executable that encrypts a source file by logically XORing it with a one-time pseudo-random key file. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF that explains everything in detail with multiple screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 1.07 MB - 846 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  XOR by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
This is further discussion on using XOR where an XOR encrypted file is sent to a receiver without exchanging keys. There is potentially a problem with this method resulting from a "Man-In-The-Middle", which is explained in full. A safer way to do this involves using my program CRC32.exe which is available here: The attached zip file has an example I created for your review as well as a screen shot of the CRC32.exe entry that I document in an included XOR Notes.txt file.
Source included - QB64 - 28.21 KB - 826 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by RENIER Alain (Rate this file/View comments)
Cross reference for QB64
Source included - QB64 - 27.18 KB - 2982 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  ZAP11.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The volume edit utility.
Source included - QB64 - 2.7 KB - 126 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  ZAP12.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The volume edit utility.
Source included - QB64 - 2.95 KB - 168 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  ZIP In A by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
ZIP In A PICture is a Windows executable that allows a .7z or .zip compressed file to be hidden within a .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png picture file. In order to extract the results, the Windows freeware program, 7-Zip File Manager, is required. The results allow the casual user only the ability to view the picture file without knowing about it's hidden content. However, any experienced user with a minimal skill set would be able to view and extract the hidden contents. The latest versions of Windows 7-Zip is here: The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, a PDF with screen shots and documentation, plus a sample .jpeg file.
Source included - QB64 - 1.62 MB - 855 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  ZIP In Other by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
The zip file, ZIP In Other, contains two (2) Windows executables with source code: (1) ZIP In A MIDI and (2) ZIP In A PDF. Each program works EXACTLY like my previous post, ZIP In A PICture. The difference is the ability to hide a compressed file in any .mid or .pdf file, respectively. Once again each of these programs is designed to be used in conjunction with the Windows freeware program, 7-Zip. Since the interface has not changed, refer to my PDF that was included in my previous post, ZIP In A PICture.pdf, for documentation.
Source included - QB64 - 738.83 KB - 794 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  ZSORT.ZIP by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Sort utility for QB64
Source included - QB64 - 3.08 KB - 672 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

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