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342 files in total in this section.

  HEXED8RI.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Hex Editor
Source included - QB64 - 270.22 KB - 178 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RJ.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Hex Editor
Source included - QB64 - 270.21 KB - 182 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RK.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Hex Editor
Source included - QB64 - 269.41 KB - 186 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RL.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Hex Editor
Source included - QB64 - 270.82 KB - 161 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RM.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Hexeditor for QB64 Windows
Source included - QB64 - 270.9 KB - 172 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RN.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Windows Hex Editor for QB64
Source included - QB64 - 270.8 KB - 173 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RO.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Windows Hex Editor for QB64
Source included - QB64 - 277.7 KB - 177 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RP.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Windows Hex Editor for QB64
Source included - QB64 - 287.66 KB - 131 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RQ.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Windows Hex Editor for QB64 v8.0 rQ.0
Source included - QB64 - 333.81 KB - 143 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RR.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Windows Hex Editor for QB64
Source included - QB64 - 363.75 KB - 115 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RS.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Windows Hex Editor for QB64 v8.0 rS.0
Source included - QB64 - 363.77 KB - 131 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXED8RT.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Windows Hex Editor for QB64 v8.0 rT.0
Source included - QB64 - 366.74 KB - 82 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Hex Editor For QB64 v8.0 r6.0
Source included - QB64 - 223.5 KB - 732 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by Erik Jon Oredson (Rate this file/View comments)
Hex Editor For QB64 v8.0 r7.0
Source included - QB64 - 226.02 KB - 723 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Windows Hex Editor for QB64 v8.0 rP.0
Source included - QB64 - 287.66 KB - 146 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes) by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The Windows Hex Editor for QB64 v8.0 rP.0
Source included - QB64 - 287.66 KB - 169 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)

  HexFile by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
HexFile Music will musically play - and colorfully show - a full screen display of any file in hexidecimal format. The zip file contains the source code, the Windows executable, and a PDF that explains the program in detail and includes screenshots.
Source included - QB64 - 735.29 KB - 1761 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (2 votes)

  HexFile by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
HexFile Music, Version Two will “play” any file by interpreting the Hexadecimal values of each byte as a certain note and color. There is a choice to show either colored blocks or colored Hexadecimal letters. The coding for the colors is, starting with Hexadecimal “0” through Hexadecimal “F”, Color “0” through Color “15”, respectively. The coding for the notes is, starting with Hexadecimal “0” through Hexadecimal “F”, “Pause” (Hexadecimal “0”); then notes "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B", then the next higher octave for "C", "C#", and "D", respectively. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF that documents the new features with screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 886.79 KB - 850 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  HEXXIT83.ZIP by eoredson (Rate this file/View comments)
The DOS Hex Editor
Source included - QB64 - 374.85 KB - 128 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  install.exe by Crazy-Q-Bee Software (Rate this file/View comments)
Joke OS with minigames
No source - QB64 - 7.19 MB - 3360 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)

  Josephus by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
For those not familiar with this mathematical problem, view this short video: My code was adapted from an algorithm documented in The Josephus Flavius’ Problem.pdf, by Peter B. Henderson, pages 4 & 5. The attached zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, the above mentioned PDF, and my PDF - Josephus Game.pdf -which shows screen shots with an attribute to the author of the original algorithm.
Source included - QB64 - 603.46 KB - 810 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Julian & Gregorian Date by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Julian & Gregorian Date Calculator calculates four ways: (1) Gregorian Date/Time to Julian Day; (2) Julian Day to Gregorian Date/Time; (3) Gregorian Date +- Days = Gregorian Date; (4) Gregorian Date +- Gregorian Date = +- Days. The zip file contains both the source code and the Windows executable as well as four screen shots that show each of these choices. If you choose a year that is before 1583, the calculation is completed; however, a message appears that reminds you of your error.
Source included - QB64 - 506.87 KB - 1888 downloads
Rating: 10/10 (4 votes)

  Key Maker Using by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
This program allows for a file that is encrypted with the random number generator initializing key to be safely stored and/or sent to a user [including a previously unused initializing key]. If sent to a user, the only requirements are that the user share the same encryption program[s]; the same PDF[s]; and this program to decrypt the file. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code and a explanatory PDF with a screenshot.
Source included - QB64 - 461.11 KB - 238 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Keyboard & Player by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Keyboard & Player Piano is a Windows executable that is designed to compose a song using the computer keyboard (Keyboard Mode) in order for the user to create and save a text file so that the program can playback the music composition (Player Piano Mode). It allows any user who can hum a tune to create music - even if the user cannot read a note of music (like me). The syntax used in the text file music composition is unique to this program and is explained in the included PDF file. The attached zip file contains the source code, the windows executable, the PDF explanatory file with screenshots, and a few music composition text files. One advantage of my keyboard is that it uses the same keys as a Virtual Midi Piano Keyboard which is available as freeware here: As you probably know, MIDI has many more capabilities that than what the PLAY command has to offer - including changing instruments. So once you have pecked out a song using my program, you can write down the keyboard keys and then use the same keys to play the composition using the Virtual Midi Piano Keyboard.
Source included - QB64 - 870.12 KB - 2297 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Loan by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Loan.exe is a Windows executable that in addition to calculating the Payments of a loan, can also calculate the Starting Balance, the Number of Periods, and the Final Balance of a loan. It can also calculate a loan with a final Balloon Payment. The amortization schedule can be printed to the screen and/or to a NEW file. The zip file contains the source code, the Windows executable, and a PDF that shows various screen shots.
Source included - QB64 - 698.23 KB - 1102 downloads
Rating: 8/10 (1 votes)

  Loan by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Loan Calculator, Version 2 has all the features of my first version with the following changes: Added the ability to compute APR% to 4-decimal precision. Changed the APR% entry from 3-decimal precision to 4-decimal precision. Added rejection of entries with more that the correct maximum number of decimal places: Two (2) decimal places for Starting Balance, Final Balance, and Payment; Four (4) decimal places for APR%. Added rejection for a calculation that results in a Payment < = zero. The zip file contains the source code, the Windows executable, and a new PDF with screen shots that shows my original version and the new Version 2 with computation of the APR% on a loan.
Source included - QB64 - 910.4 KB - 1031 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Logarithmic by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Logarithmic Encryption is a Windows executable program that uses logarithms to encrypt/decrypt files. To see how this program works, first run Logarithmic Encryption Simulation.exe which will ONLY SIMULATE, as a standalone program, the SAME algorithm that the REAL encryption program uses. SYMBOLS USED: LOG = Logarithm (Base 10); Ln = Natural Logarithm (Base e); ! = Single Precision Floating-Point Number Variable (7-digits precision); $ = String Variable (can be created with any ASCII characters); ASC = (Reserved Word) Computes the ASCII Value of a Byte Character String (0 to 255); CHR$ = (Reserved Word) 1-Byte Character String; MKS$ = (Reserved Word) Single Precision Floating-Point Number made into a 4-Byte String (4-Bytes); CVS = (Reserved Word) 4-Byte String converted back into a Single Precision Floating-Point Number. First, the Sender Zips the DEcrypted file to preserve the file name and extension. This also compresses the file before encryption. Next, the Sender uses Logarithmic Encryption.exe to GET each byte of the DEcrypted Zip file which then computes a "Spread Spectrum" of Pseudo-Random Number-Bases in order to calculate the Logarithms of each Byte, which is PUT into an ENcrypted file and then sent to the Receiver. The Receiver uses Logarithmic Encryption.exe to GET the Logarithms in the ENcrypted file which then computes the same "Spread Spectrum" Pseudo-Random Number-Bases to calculate each original Byte, which is PUT into a DEcrypted Zip file. Then the Receiver Un-Zips the DEcrypted Zip file, which contains the original DEcrypted file. The Logarithms by themselves do not furnish the necessary information to compute the original bytes of the DEcrypted file because there are three variables: (1) The Byte ASCII value (incremented by 2) - only the range from 2 to 257 is known, so it could be ANY of these values. (The simulation program explains why the ASCII Value is incremented by + 2) (2) The Pseudo-Random Number-Bases (unknown - except to the Sender and Receiver using the SAME Parameters). (3) The LOG(Byte ASCII Values + 2) in the Pseudo-Random Number-Bases. The only EXACT variable known is the last one, (3): The LOG(Byte ASCII values + 2) in the UNKNOWN Pseudo-Random Number-Bases. Here is the formula that illustrates why the NumberBase remains unknown: NumberBase = (ANY ASCII + 2 value) ^ (1 / NumberBaseLOG) The NumberBase changes with different ASCII + 2 values. One needs to know two EXACT variables to Decrypt the file.
Source included - QB64 - 751.39 KB - 1680 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Logic Game by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Logic Game Solver is an aid to solving logic game problems by creating a "spreadsheet type" grid that can be filled with a true or false mark besides any and all of the variables. There can be anywhere from 3 to 15 Variable TYPES and up to (30 \ TYPES) INDIVIDUALS per TYPE. In addition, the program has an "Auto Fill" option that can be used selectively or continuously to fill in portions of the grid that can be logically filled. If their is a logical error, the logical engine will inform you, but you will have to scan the grid to see where you went wrong. The attached PDF explains the program in detail, and includes screenshots. Please read! Here is a source for many logic game problems on the web: I recommend that you just think your way slowly through logic programs, one step at a time. You will find that you can only partially complete a line when going through the logic statements the first time. But as the grid is filled out you will see that when you go through the problem again, more conclusions are obtained. Also, regarding the "Auto Fill", I highly recommend that when using it, you answer the next prompt "Auto Fill from now on (Yes or No) with NO. If you have made a logic error, it is much easier to correct that way. If you have saved a file that you have set to always "Auto Fill" and you wish to remove the "Auto Fill" always, just open the file in a text editor such as Notepad, and change the 3rd number down the column from a -1 to 0, and then save it. Problem solved. When I first set up a logic problem, I save the initial file as Setup.dat. Then I load Setup.dat back in and start solving the problem. At this point, I save the file as Solution.dat. That way, if I make a gross error, I can just use the Setup.dat file and start all over again instead of having to re-enter the data from scratch. Also, you can leave the problem where you are at and come back to it at a later time to work on it again.The attached zip file contains the source code, the Windows executable, the PDF, a famous Einstein puzzle to solve with its setup file already created, Einstein.dat. Try out the logic puzzles on the web at the url I have given above because many of them are quite easy to solve. Once you get the hang of it, then try the more difficult Einstein puzzle that is attached in the zip file. Have fun!
Source included - QB64 - 496.33 KB - 1744 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Magic Square by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Magic Square Generator.exe is a Windows executable that will generate Odd-Order Magic Squares from Order 3 through Order 63. The numbering starts at the number one and increments by one through the square of the Order with no number duplication. For instance, for an order 63, the numbering goes from 1 through 63 squared (3969). The sum of any row or column or diagonal will add up to the Magic Sum which is computed by the following formula: Magic Sum = Order * (Order ^ 2 + 1) / 2. For example, the Magic Sum for the Odd-Order 63 Magic Square = 63 * (63 * 63 + 1) / 2 = 125, 055. Two different magic squares can be generated for each order by using the Staircase or Pyramid method. Either one will generate the same Magic Sum for that order. The results can either be shown on screen only or saved to a formatted text file: Magic.txt (This file is saved in the same location as the program and is overwritten for each run of the program). The zip file contains the source code, the Windows executable, a PDF with screenshots, and four (4) example PDF files.
Source included - QB64 - 923.53 KB - 1253 downloads
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

  Math with by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments)
Fractions-Adder & Multiplier, with Simplification. Add or Multiply two fractions and see a step-by-step reduction to a common denominator. Addition becomes Subtraction when a positive fraction is added to a negative fraction. Multiplication becomes Division when an improper fraction (numerator is greater than the denominator) is multiplied by a proper fraction. Numerators and denominators entered separately for each of the two fractions. Rules: (1) Negative only allowed in the numerator(s). (2) Numerator(s) <> 0. Results can be stored for use in a chain of fractions.
Source included - QB64 - 511.01 KB - 1680 downloads
Rating: 8/10 (1 votes)

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