Howard on 08/04/09 - 23:32:07
Will this compiler compile a program to a win xp
program if it is used in a system Operating win XP?
Todd on 08/05/09 - 16:13:08
No. QB 4.5 runs in DOS and compiles to DOS executables only. These DOS executables can be run in XP however.
SNICKERS on 09/03/09 - 21:41:59
RUS: Ìîé XP íå ìîæåò çàïóñòèòü ôàéëû, êîìïèëèðóåìûå íà QB 4.5, ïîòîìó ÷òî îíè èñïîëüçóþò ñòàðûå VGA ðåæèìû. Âåðîÿòíî ïðîáëåìà â ïîäïðîãðàììå ntvdm.
ENG: My XP can't run files, compiled on QB 4.5, because they uses the old VGA graphics modes. I think the problem in ntvdm subprogramm.
Todd on 09/04/09 - 22:15:12
XP doesn't have a DOS subsystem but rather an emulator (NTVDM). It processes on a lower level than most emulators (which makes it very fast) but it doesn't have the entire compatibility that DOS has.
Cyperium on 09/05/09 - 11:32:46
Try to compile it using QB64 (qb64.net), that way it should compile to your modern system.
Francis Lai on 10/18/09 - 22:45:10
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I need qb45 compiler software
Please reply : flai2@netscape.net Thanks!!! :) Francis |