Todd on 08/18/08 - 00:42:13
While some people may not have much to post about QBasic, let us know what's new with you.
For me, I'll be moving away for a year starting Tuesday to go to college. What about everyone else?
Marcade on 08/18/08 - 23:27:53
God, you are moving away? Does this mean you have no more time to work on QB45? :-P
Todd on 08/18/08 - 23:32:25
It depends on how much free time I have. My first semester will keep me pretty busy with 17 credits of courses. :-P I want to do well so I can transfer to a different university that offers a Masters degree in Comp Sci.
Brandon on 08/20/08 - 22:05:51
Masters degree how many years is that? I want to go to a major school (MIT) for 4 years, or a smaller one (RIT,Cornell,SUNY) to get a phD in computers. That way I can demand money!! HAHAHAHAHA
I suppose my real goal would be to have a job somewhere were I could have at least 20 acres,in the NORTHern USA (or Germany), I hate the city, and a career in computers makes that tough. I suppose I could he IT at a hospital or School, they are everywhere.
Todd on 08/20/08 - 23:04:27
Masters degree is 2 years on top of 4 for my Bachelors. So 6 years total.
Brandon on 08/21/08 - 11:21:56
China? 1 word: Communism. Ask a nam vet to move to China, see how far that gets you. No I'm not a vet but my grandfather is very sick due to the war in Korea (and Agent Orange). So until China gets a real government its the US or Germany for me. Why Germany?? I dunno I see all the problems in the the US and Germany seems like a cool place. My Linux Disto's site has the most hits from the US and then Germany, so I figure they must be fairly upto date on technology.
Gasoline? Ever heard of the VW Beetle? It was the answer and no one knew it.
Todd on 08/21/08 - 11:29:47
I heard Yugoslavia has some up-to-date technology and software engineering companies. Seriously, I heard that from a college professor.
Marcade on 08/21/08 - 18:57:10
Well, so you can find a history with a lot of countries. I mean, Germany has had his Hitler and Holocausts too. :-/
And America is not the sweetheart of the world either. It too has many skeletons in closets. So I don't like 'communism' arguments. China is doing much and much better now and it's improving rapidly on ALL fronts. But at least the girls are not as fat as in america. :-3
Todd on 08/21/08 - 22:53:19
lol Marcade, look for a movie called "Idiocracy." It's about a 500-year time traveler who ends up in America when everyone is completely stupid. It's a great comedy!
Brandon on 08/22/08 - 09:38:17
I hate the damn fat American stereo type, I'm 5'10" and weight about 150lbs, I'm not exactly fat.
Todd on 08/26/08 - 22:37:19
No I am serious. I think it was "Yugoslavia" or some Eastern European country. Want to e-mail the professor?
Jofers on 08/26/08 - 22:59:34
Yugoslavia disintegrated shortly after the USSR broke up. If you remember those wars we dragged NATO into in the 90s, they had to do with that rascal Slobodan Milosevic trying to preserve the union through the usual means of genocide and bloody suppression. The six (seven counting Kosovo) nations that once made up the country are now all democratic republics, and a few are even in the EU now.
Also, China really can't be considered communist more than it is a one-party authoritarian state with capitalist policies. The closest thing to old-fashioned "let's-all-go-to-the-fields" communism is probably what you see in Cuba where no one can legally own fancy things, and even they've been buckling to economic pressure to reform since Castro stepped down.
some on 08/27/08 - 03:52:55
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lol Actually what is called 'communist' is going far and far from Chinese people